Tuesday, January 11, 2011

of freaks and nerdos.

there's three types of people: 1. normal 2.freaks 3. popular
there's no exact definition of freaks. they just simply some people who dont belong in any popular crowds, they arent so attractive and usually are one of the kind *well you know what i mean*. and these people, because of these reasons are isolated by the crowds, and receive improper treatment like normal and popular people do. i always feel pity to them. they usually end up befriend with people of their kind and make a new FREAK CROWDS.

for guys, freaks included "lelaki lembut". they are frequently isolated from any groups and yeah, they are always alone. i know one guy at my college. *well,you-know-who* u guys can see how his life. even his housemates aren't giving him proper treatment. well, i confirmed that he didnt wish to be born that way anyhow. but, that is he! HIS TRUE SELF!

same goes with my another friend at secondary school. last time, i overheard a guy from my class, a so-called-the-handsome guy, they were talking about her.
bajek hensem guy: kau tau, aku kalau perempuan x cantik malas nak layan. last time, ade S mesej aku tau x. aku ingat awek mana lah yang mesej aku ni. baru nak ayat, aku tanya la sapa ni..? pastu dia reply, saya S. hmmmph, aku nampak je nama dia, terus aku ckp aku bz ader hal nak buat. malas aku layan.

i personally dont think that these world belong to pretty, cool and charming people. we are humans. and we should be treated equally. they have feelings too. and remember guys, KARMA happens. put yourself in their shoe. would you yourself like to be treated the same way..? treat people like how you like people to treat you. :)


  1. yup!

    i firmly believed dat all of us should be treated equally


  2. i was there when he said that..
    even bce ayat permulaan u pun i da teringt seseorg.. hurmmm..

