Sunday, July 4, 2010

juniors. college. 1malaysia

hye peeps. haven't blog for years. so, i'm pouring everything out here!!

last week we receive juniors. oke. come on. i've never been so excited about junior before. well, back in school days, juniors are freakingly annoying. i never like juniors. at first i thought it goes the same here in KTT, but wallaweyy......!!!! THEY ARE AWESOME!! we are group 2 which called ourselves GAGA-Go And Get Awesome. haha! i know its cool! we suppose to be performing choir. it quite though actually to win wit choir only. but with all crazy brains here- ricky, me, amy, eric dan some other seniors who are willing to help us... our choir all went crazy!! we really enjoy ourselves then. it really fun to see some of the juniors change a lot. i mean A LOT! from skema typical type into some sort of crazy and funny creature just like the seniors. hahahaha...! even the juniors praise us for being a very good seniors to them! *i was dancing over the moon when i heard this* hee~!!! overall, the choir is a xplosive and the juniors are awesome! love them. muax! muax!
since the very first day, we always remind the juniors to mix wif each other. dun be sarcastic to other races. it's fun to mix up actually. well, learning other culture and be friend with a whole new circle of friends is fun! why, dat's is what i think. to be honest, i never befriend with any other races except malay before. the only time i know non-malay friends is in primary school. i think the chinese girl in my class are arrogant. haha.. my non-malay only a few chinese and indians that really from beginning living with malay and getting used of mixing with malays. thats it. but now in college, since i've got JPA scholars, mixing with other races is a must,must here! well, i'm kindda scared at first. but they are nice actually. far from what i thought before. like example, they help me learn a few mandarin words. hehe.. i'm still learning. but my chinese friends help me a lot. then, i've start to play badminton. to be honest, i never played badminton before. even in secondary school. i think that i look stupid playing it. but now, i'm not bluffing but i'm pretty good at it. hehs! and, and it have been my all-new favorite sports. haha.. dun ask me why. i just simply like it. its other than captainball that make happy living here in college. my college is luckily superb! all you need is to come down as early as possible, bring a racket *if you have one* and just simply play without worrying who is playing on the court regardless if they are malays, chinese ar even indians! its so fun men!

and, and,you can come join CCES (chinese cultural and education society) activities even you're obviously not a chinese. *i'm a long-distance cina-peranakan mix..i wonder if i can join CCES.hahahaha~*

it cool to promote your culture to other non-malay friends. and i've learn a few chinese wedding custom when victor chat about it during our i-elts lecturer's wedding. cant wait for victor to get married. at least i can attend my very first chinese wedding ceremony. ahaks! *maka,victor, silalah kahwin segera,oke.*

the best 1-malaysia game in our college!!! oyeah! a few bunch of crazy seniors playing happily in the very 'gersang' field of KTT. this is the time that we feel very united in our hearts. i think we should establish a 'KTT CAPTAINBALL CLUB' and hold a league here. woahh~ it sure b very fun meh!

college life can be tedious and boring. doing the whole same thing over, over and over again. but these are a bunch of people who cheer me up and enlighten my bland day here in KTT.
tengs everyone!

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