Monday, December 27, 2010

lerr. dah free hair? =.=!

masa zaman saya sekolah asrama dulu, saya paling suka melawan. sekolah asrama saya dulu ni boleh la saya kira macam sekolah agama. ye. SEKOLAH AGAMA. kalau saya sebut ni mesti ramai tak percaya. kalau saya cakap saya dapat A bahasa arab PMR pun, tak tentu orang percaya. teringat masa saya naik bas ekspres ke Melaka, ada sorang kakak tu mati- mati tak percaya saya belajar bahasa arab sebab saya tak pakai tudung labuh. haish. mentaliti orang kita. berbalik kepada cerita asrama tadi, masa saya form 2, ada lah undang-undang di sekolah konon nya pelajar perempuan DIWAJIBKAN memakai tudung labuh. alah, tudung labuh bulat-bulat macam budak sekolah agama tu. ko ingat aku nak pakai?? SORRY SKET! maka, atas kedegilan saya itu, saya pun dipanggil ke bilik pengawas dan diberi sepatah dua kata oleh BADAR dan PENGAWAS sekolah sebaya dengan umur saya ketika itu. wahhh, saya mati-mati bangkang arahan diaorang tu. ye la, kenapa pula saya nak pakai tudung labuh. budak-budak yang pakai tudung labuh kat sekolah pun, belum tentu pakai tudung di luar. ye tak? plus, before saya bersekolah, saya cuma pakai tudung ala-ala part time je. haish. maka, atas kedegilan saya, saya pun dibawa berjumpa dan di torture oleh kakak senior. saya dengan sekali lagi memegang kepada prinsip saya untuk tidak mahu pakai. disogok dengan pelbagai hadis dan macam-macam supaya saya menangis dan insaf. saya buat tak endah juga. maka, dengan bengang nya, seorang kakak ni pun suruh saya bagi sepuluh sebab kenapa saya tak mahu pakai tudung labuh. tulis dalam kertas dan bagi secara personal kepada beliau. xperlulah saya list balik apa yang saya tulis. sebab saya pun dah lupa dah.

apa point saya cerita menatang alah ni semua..? sebab saya nak cakap, one of the kakak yang torture saya tu, dah FREE HAIR DAH SEKARANG!

terkejut kan? jangan kan kakak tu, kawan-kawan se'batch' pun ada yang dah berani-berani bukak tudung. haish. manusia memang senang berubah. padahal ni semua geng2 yang pakai tudung labuh masa di sekolah dulu. siap berani tukar profile picture kepada yang tidak bertudung lagi tu. alhamdulillah, saya punya tudung masih melekat di kepala. :)
malu lah sikit dengan saya ni. hish.

kalau siapa-siapa yang berkenaan tu, terbaca post ni, pergilah tukar balik gambar profile picture dan sewaktu dengan nya tu, yang free hair tu, tukar balik ke yang bertudung pulak. tengok pun menyampah kalau awak free hair.

Monday, December 13, 2010

maybe i have to reconsider

i've been working in starbucks for like, what, 1 week and i can say it is super tiring and super stress (sometimes). but what comes in my mind was, this place is busy, there's no room for mistakes and carelessness, well how even worst hospital could be?

at least in starbucks i got a 50 minutes break, i can chat with my partners sometime when it is less busy and also there's no harm on making mistakes. but then, after some deep thinking, this is just starbucks. hospital could be even worst. u may be scolded 10 times more but senior doctors. there no single slit of space for mistakes as you are dealing with lives. and you are busy. i mean, freakingly busy. i may have to manage my own time for sleep, pray and treating patients. well. the major question is,
am i prepared?
physically and mentally.

only Allah knows my main purpose of choosing this field. hope Allah will make things easier for me. :)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

i am as never as disgrateful as today. my mum was giving some free lecture on "how to not become disrespectful daughter"

my dad are getting old. and getting emo up to a level that u really need to taking a good care of his feeling that you don't want to hurt him. my mum, still with her opinion that medicine maybe not my best options. i should rather choose business or account. she keep comparing me with the other people's daughter and that's really annoys me. A LOT.

my mum side are not as good in their academics. she always afraid that i might end up become arrogant toward her side's relatives. well, i used to become very close with her side but soon on, i find myself does not belong there. i am not enjoying myself there. =.=!

an there is a battle itself for my mum side and my father side. well, we siblings are closer to our father side but my mum always keep persuaded us that hers are better than my dad's were. i hate hearing those actually.

and sometimes, thing are getting tougher than i thought. A-level are not something you messed with. and there's your youth times are sacrificed.

how i wish i am not as clever as today.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: 'Pass on knowledge from me even if it is only one verse'.

Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: 'When a man dies and his relatives are busy in funeral, there stands an extremely handsome man by his head. When the dead body is shrouded, that man gets in between the shroud and the chest of the deceased.

Selepas pengebumian, semua orang pulang ke rumah, 2 malaikat Mungkar dan Nakir, datang dalam kubur dan cuba memisahkan lelaki kacak ini supaya mereka boleh menyoal lelaki yang telah meninggal itu seorang diri mengenai ketaatannya kepada Allah.

Thereafter he turns to his dead companion and says, 'I am the Qur'an, which you used to read, sometimes in a loud voice and sometimes in a low voice. Do not worry. After the interrogation of Munkar and Naker, you will have no grief.'

When the interrogation is over, the handsome man arranges for him from Al-Mala'ul A'laa (the angels in Heaven) silk bedding filled with musk.

Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: 'On the Day of Judgement, before Allah, no other Intercessor will have a greater status than the Qur'an, neither a Prophet nor an angel.'

Monday, December 6, 2010

preview selepas beberapa hari (2 hari sebenarnya) saya bekerja di starbucks

on the moment i'm writing this entry, it's already 2 days i've been working in Starbucks Sunway Pyramid. well, one word to describe all : SUPER TIRING.

i enjoy most of my my time on early shift. i mean, the day shift. where Abang Su (my super manager), Kak Jareena, Kak Yana, Kak Wahida and Khairul was there. they are very, very niceeeeeeeeee people. owh, i forgot to mention Kak fazrina. (haha, i memang want to list everyone's name kan?) oke. oke. kak jareena are the irst to greet me when i am too shy to even speak to anyone (yerp, everyone. i am SHY). then, kak yana and kak waheeda are super nice, dude. they are those people who work with their mouth on which is almost the same as i am. and, kahirul, u are fabulous. u remind me of my fellow KTT friends, Ricky Rack. hehs! kak faz, she is a good coach where she teaches me how to do ice blended more often than anyone else would ask. wee. :D

on night shift, only left kak aqilah that is also quite nice to me. my manager at night usually are Joshua. well, i think he is kindda good looking but he voice are like ROBOT. i mean, the voice sound super funny and speak super fast. i need to think twice before i could even digest what he was teaching me or what he is saying to me. he didn't speak much. he's kind of guy who work more with their hands than their mouth. next, ah kian n ah yong (aku rasa macam ni la nama dieorg. haha.. aku baru kenal sehari okeyy..) these are only chinese beside joshua. kian didnt speak much. yong speak sometimes. maybe because we both are newbies there. :) and, and there's a girl. Nurul. o think she hates me. she didn't speak to me and always tegur my kesalahan. i mean, it's not actually. it's just some stuff i do out of normalities but under the right circumstances. haish. i don't really like her. hope i don't work much with her next time.

the customer here are more civilized (well, so far i've seen). some are quite fussy but it's still okay. for the first time i saw a girls smoking is here as well. and i am quite surprise by the numbers and the way they smoke. even stylo than guys did! feww. tipulah kalau i say tak ada langsung apek hensem, muka ala-ala Kim Hyun Joon, bawak DSLR jenama Nikon ke hulu-hilr, stylo gila baban and sumpah la aku memang dah jatuh cinta kan, tapi apekan daya, selalu nya mesti ade gf dia kat sebelah yang sama hot ala-ala Sooyoung girls generation. haish. kuciwa betul. haish. haish. *mengeluh berulang-ulang kali*

Sunday, December 5, 2010

50 jenis rase best yg aku penah rase

1. perasaan biler dpt gather wit KL clan. (pah, anish, hafiy, luq, najo, kiko, aliaa, fatin, fatim.)
2. ketawa giler2 bler ade cter lawak thap cipan.
3. dapat main hujan then mandi air panas..fuh
4. bler dapat masak something dgn jayanyer
5. pastu orang puji pulak masakan kita. :)
6. berjalan-jalan dkt pantai.
7. solat dengan tenang
8. tengok permandangan matahari terbenam/terbit atas bukit.
9. bile x yah beratur time beli tiket kat pawagam.
10. bler posmen dtg bwk bungkusan/surat for me.(except surat2 hutang,surat pibg,surat keputusan exam,surat saman)
11. dapat minum milo ais kaw2~~
12. dpat duit free.(mcm duit raye,duit tah tetibe pakcik bg) wah~
13. jmpe rm10 dlm kocek seluar yg x basuh bpe ari tah.
14. dapat main guitar ala-ala yuna. hehs!
15. ketawa sorang2 sbb kebodohan diri dulu tetibe bgn pagi siap mndi smua pkai bju skolah, tp tup2 rupa2 nye ari ahad
16. nmpak stranger tetibe snyum kat ak..(nih only apply kepada apek yang muka ala-ala kim hyun joon)
17. bile ade org bagi tahu yg ak nih cute..hohoho
18. bler dgn x sengaja nyer dgr org mengumpat pasal ak.
19. bler update status dkt facebook ramai gler like and komen.
20. bermain dengan hamster yang gemuk dan fluffy macam brad pitt
21. Buat gathering dengan kawan2 kolej dan main badminton sampai tengah malam. yeah!
22. Mimpi yang diluar jangkaan.
23. aku nak pusing satu malaysia dengan geng2 kat kolej. wow. ni best gile.
24. kalau dapat jog 5 pusingan tanpa henti. heh! :)
25. tengok cerita house back-to-back non stop. pergh. ni kewl gila!
26. dapat memain dengan DSLR John Lau punye. wahhhhh! nanti aku nak beli jugak satu!
27. dengar lagu smbil maen game
28. main counter strike and call of duty sampai pengsan
29. tengok One piece non stop,
30. dpt makan masakan mak aku sampai kenyang tahap maut.
31. Menang sesuatu pertandingan. especially lucky draw.
32. Dapat selesaikn soalan matematik yang susah.
33. Dapat keputusan peperiksaan yang cemerlang.
34. Dapat jawab peperiksaan dengan konfiden.
35. Naek roller coster banyak kali.
36. Bila online facebook n nampak byk gler notification.
37. Gambar kenangan lama.
38. Bila dapat cakap banyak wit stranger.(especially kalau stranger tu pak arab atau mat salleh yang gila hot!)
39. Bila dpat makanan free.
40. Dpat membantu rakan2 yg didalam kesusahan.
41. dapat buli Reena sampai dia menjerit
42. Dengar lagu kuat2 sampai org ckap pon x dgr gne headphone.
43. Dapat tahu ada orang minat kat ak.(ok nih pon after like several year.)
44. Perasaan minat dekat someone bwat pertama kali nyer.
45. Kawan.
46. Ketawa tanpa sebab.
47. Baring atas katil sambil hujan lebat kat luar.
48. Tengok movie free tanpa mengeluarkn 1 sen pon.
49. Dapat tangkap gambar yang lawa giler guna DSLR atau lomo camera. perghh!
50. dapat gaji. yepppppiiiii!

oke. post ini aku tag khusus untuk eric, farah, najwa (buat kau balik dr overc la). dat's all. cinok, len kali jgn tag aku oke. aku bz dgn keje. :P

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

owh, aku di tag oleh che kiko.

1. Apa yg sedang bermain di fikiran anda sekarang??
saya tengah sumpah kebosanan. tapi nasib baik ahad ni saya dah nak masuk keje dah.

2. Apakah nama samaran anda?

NADER. erm.. camne dpt? it's complicated. or.. also known as NABAB (nadirah babji) by certain people.

3. Senaraikan 3 orang yg anda sayang.

hamsters , family dan kawan-kawan (teorically, ni mmg exceed 3 kan..?)

4. Panggilan utk si dia..

malas la nak layan soklan ni. ingat orang tak tacing k?
tau lah saya tiada si dia. hmph!

5. Hadiah yang paling diimpikan dari yang teristimewa..

oi oi, ni dah lebih. kan dah cakap takde org istimewa.
tahap tacing makin meningkat

6. Blog mana yang paling suka di 'visit'??

saya suka baca dashboard je. hahaha.. keji kan?

7. Tag pada 5 rakan blogger anda...

hafiy *aku xtau kenapa nama kau jugak yg keluar*

p/s: sekalung perhargaan kepada miss kiko kerana mengetag saya dan membantu mengisi mnasa lapang saya yang tersangatlah lapangnya. soory lah dah ter miss tag2 kau yang sebelum ni. :(

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

my BTN story

well, i don't have much to share about BTN. the accommodation is superb. well, twice better from my hostel. no, no. i guess my hostel are better.the food is okay though. i mean, just ok. you will never feel hungry at all. my dormates are nice.

the whole BTN stuff is okay for me. just a few incidence occur. but nevermind, just assume it as a part of learning anyway.

for those who might concern, yes BTN is brainwashing camp. unfortunately, our cam is kindda strict compared to those in Meru. but im okayy with that. we have to march almost EVERYDAY. i find it quite interesting to kawad actually as long as you know the way to do so. ours ceramah and LDK is wayyyy to boring. the penceramah talked for like, what, 2 hours and the slide is not even moving at all. and most of the speech is mostly nothing related to the slides and to my absolute anger, NOTHING ON THE LDK OR THE SPEECH OR SLIDES ARE QUESTIONED IN THE EXAM.

and, and our camp have this special drama *i should called it* at the end of our last night there. haha.. i called it KTT's 1957: Hati Malaya. i don't want to tell the whole drama stuff. it's just conflict happen among us. i fell sad for the INTEC students who have to went through all these with us. haish. its so dramatic. i saw munnie cried, narahari was yelling *well, i thought he would never care* , hillary was angry, azim was pissed by the fasie. well, it's was so hard that night. but, we endure it already. after some consideration and hearing for every sides, then you would understand. it's not we want to bringing up the conflict, but it's because we care for each other that we choose to make several action that differs from everyone else. after thinking like that, i feel the love. and i feel really glad to have such friend.

the fasie kindda annoys me a bit. one guy from my group are giving speech representing chinese community during the camp. well, he is so innocent and so good that i wouldn't even bully him. he is soooooo nice. but instead, the fasie keep provoking this guy and saying stuff that i shall say quite harsh.
zheng: saya x pernah baca newspaper and watch news on tv
abg fasie: (dengan nada kasar) awak x rasa awak ni macam x guna ke? awak x baca paper, x tgk berita. xrasa macam x berguna ke, baik xpayah hidup je bagus. hah, kalau kfc buat promo makan free pun awak xtau.
zheng: (diam)...... kalau promo kfc, saya mmg xtau apa2 sebab saya vegetarian.

well, i were to choose, i don't want to come again for BTN. enough with the perlembagaan thingy. it makes my head feel dizzy. =.=!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

yo fattie!

saya seorang dilahirkan dengan badan yang agak besar. especially when girls of your age doesn't have body of your size. well, as an example, when i was in primary one, everyone mistaken me for a primary 4 student. cis. i hate that. even when i was in primary 4 to 6, everyone thought i was a secondary school kid. hate those. i never have a confidence in myself. so i prefer not to involve in anything during primary school until one of my teacher persuaded me to join netball team (well, i'm kindda tall that time tho) i said no. well, i don't want to run. haish. then she hit me with these that i would never forget for my whole entire life time,
" Nadirah, gemuk tu tak memberi sebarang makna kalau awak mampu buat lebih dari orang yang kurus daripada awak mampu buat. kalau awak nak terus terperuk macam ni, awak boleh teruskan dan the whole world akan terus anggap awak gemuk sampai bila-bila. "

since then, i played a lot kind of sport. netball, handball, hockey, basketball, captainball (well, consider a sport), then i even involve in silat as well. :)
well, when u are good in sport, people won't look down on you and people would be dependent to you. so, it's kindda raise my self esteem to a level that i can actually believe in my own potential. thanks to my teacher.

so, i still with my sport stuff. well, i guess that's the only thing i can do really well. i mean REALLY well. but i can't understand some people. they are fat. but doesn't mind people calling them fat and even not trying to proof to other people that they are not just being fat for NOTHING!

they refuse to jump, run and even do some stupid simple exercise move just because they are fat and they tak larat wanna do it. these people can live in their pathetic life, not feeling comfortable with their own self and haish. these are so un-understandable. i cannot tahan myself looking at some pretty baju but i cannot buy it just because they don't have the size that can fit mine. i hate looking like someone older than my age. i hate people making fun of my body size and i even hate when some guys refuse to be friends with me because of that also. and the worst part is when
people are making fun of you putting you as a subject and look at you as a subject of funny thing because you are funny and look so-called cute.
what you think?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

i am sorry that it's was you who did this to me.

when i was in primary 5 or 6, it was hari raya aidilfitri and all my friends are busy beraya to everyone's house. one of my bestie said this to me,
" nad, aku rasa diaorang nak datang rumah kau besok. kau prepare lah", the exact words that she whisper and i can still remember till now.

so ran back home telling my mom happily that all my friends are coming over and her to cook as much as posibble and i even stayed all day long to tidy up my house, well i am so excited about thic stuff. well, my house kindda rare for people to come over and its gives me double reason why i am excited about it. haish.

the next day, they didnt even show up. me and my mum wait all day long and NONE OF MY FRIENDS ARE ACTUALLY SHOW UP! i was so dissapointed about them not to come over to my house. but its even dissapointed to see my mum sad face looking at all her hardwork that didnt paid off. she might probably was thinking like this " who's going to finish all dis dishes? haish. so membazir" her eyes, her deep sad eyes that day, its really make me sad. i cried one whole day thinking about it.

well, we are not a super-rich family that i wouldnt feel bad if my mum overcooked and we simply throw away all those food. no. we are NOT. it wastes money and plus its poor people's money. do you really know how much the money meant so much to us. owh, ya lah. you guys are so freaking rich that you wouldnt even bother. there's no point writing this anyway.

and after like what, 8 or 9 years, the things happen again. i can go back and see my family and but i am too ashamed of myself to show my face to my mum. i just dont want to see her deep sad eyes all over again. and i just to sad af all people, its was you that did this to me.
its you guys.
i'm so sorry that i hate u guys.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Subhan-Allah, this Chapter makes me shiver!!

Asalaaamu `alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu!!

When the earth is shaken to it's (utmost) convulsion,

2. And the earth throws up it's burdens (from within),

3. And man cries (distressed): 'What is the matter with it?'-

4. On that Day will it declare her tidings:

5. For that thy Lord will have given it inspiration.

6. On that Day will men proceed in companies sorted out, to be shown the deeds that they (had done).

7. Then shall anyone who has done an atom's weight of good, see it!

8. And anyone who has done an atom's weight of evil, shall see it.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


aku tidak kisah jika satu dunia memusuhi aku tapi aku sangat bimbang jika satu dunia menyebelahi aku sedangkan tuhanku tidak...

Sunday, October 24, 2010

manchester city vs. arsenal

wenger: "nanti kem salam pada adebayour.."
maccini : "hehehehe..."

Saturday, October 23, 2010

kalau berpacaran- altimet,ana raffali dan sohaimi

first malay song, well except faizal tahir's, that makes me hooked up at my very first time i heard this song. weee...! downloading. downloading.

Sohaimi Mior Hassan)
Kalau berpacaran memang banyak pantang larang
Menjaga susila ibu bapa adik abang
Apabila berdua carilah tempat yang terang
Agar tidak pula mencoba aksi terlarang

Boleh pandang-pandang jangan pegang-pegang
Duduk renggang-renggang bertambah sayang
Biar malu-malu biar segan-segan
Kerna malu itu perisai orang beriman

(Ana Raffali)
Kalau berpacaran jangan tunggu lama-lama
Kalau dah berkenan jumpalah ayah dan mama
Hantarkan rombongan meminang dengan segera
Kalau terlambat kekasihku disambar buaya

(ulang Korus)

Yeah kita sambung cerita
Kalau kamu berdua aku yang ketiga ha ha ha
Aku penambah perasa
Akulah pendarab nafsu serakah
Hai teruna bikin perangai selamba
Hati si dara kata tak apa
Berani buat terima padah
Kalau tak sedia ucap syahadah

(ulang korus)

Boleh pandang-pandang (boleh pandang-pandang)
jangan pegang-pegang (boleh pegang-pegang)
Duduk renggang-renggang (duduk rapat-rapat)
bertambah sayang (nanti konfirm dapat)
Biar malu-malu (jangan malu-malu)
biar segan-segan (jangan segan-segan)
Kerna malu itu perisai orang beriman (hahahaha)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

it's really A2! gosh!

ok. short post. i'm tired of weeks of maths work. this almost blow my brain.

somehow, i dun believe in miracle now. in this world, there's only hard work and laziness. hard work gives you success, laziness gives you failure. by holding to this, i push myself to my very full limit to study hrd to make through this A-level successfully.

i wish my friends will also have same way of thinking as i do. lets put a promise that we will work to our very effort for this A2 so that we will come back to this jungle-college , KTT and do whatever we wanna do and have even more fun when we are doing our KI here. im looking foward to see all of us here back next year. hopefully.

let's pray to God that He will listen to our prayer that we want everyone to successfully gone through this A level and achieve a good results. amin.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

this my another family. :)

berbalik kepada post yang riang gumbira.
tuan-tuan dan puan-puan, presenting, my 3rd family!!
(91 all starz still in my num 2 rank. hee :))
meh. meh. let me introduce you to these nice people i've regard as my own sibling in my dear

ini rena. seorang punjabi celup. haha. that is what we like to call her. she's a punjabi but she doesn't look like one. plus, she know nothing of punjabi language. strange kan? she is my very best sport partner. :) owh, owh, one fact. u guys think i'm loud kan? she LOUDER.

next to her is gavin. dia bosss besarrr. ( betul-betul BESARRRR punya. xtipu.) dia our very absolute boss kami. kalau dia cakap A, mesti semua akan follow. plus, dia paling matured among us.

ni ru ren. hurm. one of the most tallest guy in our college. he's freaking tall. sumpah tak tipu. he's originally from Kelantan ( he's can speak klate. awesome kan?) and he is the most immatured among us. plus, dia sangatttttt perasan hensem. :P he likes to sing but he's voice is sumpah x best.

this is the pembuli. both. john hii and vei hung. x perlulah saya nak introduce mereka. menyemakkan memori korang semata-mata. hahaha..

this is mark and ah wei. one chindian yang unfortunately no really that handsome ( well, i thought all chindian are handsome.) but, nvm la mark. u are soo damn nice. i'll ingore your un-handsomeness. haha. ah wei, he has the biggest stomach. we used to called him majlis pembandaran, well u know what it means.

this is ah hun. dia erm, erm.. buas. sorry lah ah hun. i know u dont like this pic but i look nice in it. :P *selfish*

there's more of this family actually. well, we have john kiu, afiq tan ( kau aku included jugak. kau patut stop kutuk aku) and our pet, brad pitt the hamster. :)
they are nice funny people who complete my whole puzzle pieces of my college life and half of my teenagers live.

*i hope they not reading my blog or i'm half dead*

Saturday, October 9, 2010

human uncertainty

kita manusia yang lemah. device yang penuh dengan uncertainty.

2,3 hari ni aku rasa aku macam manusia tamak. tak pernah puas dengan apa yang ada. aku rasa aku macam (bukan macam.memang) ramai kawan. tapi tu semua kawan nak bergelak ketawa . time-time ni lah saya rasa saya rindu pah, rindu a'an, rindu kiko, rindu damia.... korang mesti tau apa nak buat nak pleased aku kan?

aku memang tak reti nak marah or scolded people. tak reti nak cakap yang aku tak suka apa yang kau buat, instead, aku join sekali. haish. kadang-kadang, rasa macam nak marah. tapi tak reti nak tengking balik. cuma tahu diamkan diri. i just cry if i too pissed off. bodoh kan? tengoklah. sekarang tengah jiwa kacau kasik lepas dalam blog. padan muka reader baca post emo aku hari ni. biarlah. siapa suruh baca blog ni.

biarlah saya layan perasaan ni sorang-sorang.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

so many things to say yet so little time.

i'm happy today~!!! yeepi. yeppi. hana tajima was actually reading my blog! woosh! this is freaking cool. it's like getting a moment to talk to your idol!! wahhh!! i'm jumping all over the places and smiling the whole day. :) yes,hana. u actually had brighten up my day.
owh, btw, if you read this, i need to seek for your opinion about what kind of dress i should wear to my graduation nite. it's my very last night before i fly to india next year and of course i wanna look fabulous dat nite. ngee~ :) btw, i'm 168cm and gotta huge lower part of my body. hmph. i'm kindda rough, so i dun want to wear maxi dress plus heels for sure. that is soo not me. yeeeuw. ok. what do you think..? this prom nite kindda thing is one month ahead. so i have so much time to think but my exam is just around the corner. owh, i'm not rich and i prefer cheap stuff. heh. :)

ok. yesterday i did some open house. not really lah. just invite a few friends to come over and celebrating eidul fitri with them. and to my suprise, some of them actually first time eating malay cuisine and some stuff they dont even know like lemang, and urap kelapa (or some people called it serunding). honestly speaking, i was actually takut wanna bring over friends to my house. well, it's so small, serba kekurangan but there actually didnt care about it and actually accept me just the way i are. and that really makes me feel relieves. haha.
i just wear my checkered shirt. i've lost my sense of fashion now. haha.

A2 are getting nearer. its kindda freak me out a bit. we finished the whole syllabus for bio, chem and maths. only physics left. but i think i can cope with it. well, i really like physics. kindda weird for a medical-to-be students but yeah, i really love it. more than i actually love bio. :P ngeh.
for the first i dont really care how many A's i will get, as long i pass through the cut-off point and able to fly to india, i will be grateful enough. yeay!

i fall in love with iphone 4G! wahhh!

there's a devil at my side whisper this to me "jum tengok personal taste. le min ho. handsome tuuu~ or.. watch kaichou wa maid-sama. come on bebeh!"
the other angel beside said this " study. study. or else you wont fly to india and be a medicine student. you will be a LOSER"
and of course the angel words kindda freak me out abut i always thought the devils offer kindda good. :)

my hamster are fat. fat. and fat!!! and getting cuter everyday. :) my dear brad pitt. muax!

Monday, September 27, 2010

hana tajima simpson

OK SO I AM HERE TO TALK ABOUT MY FAVOURITE FASHION PERSON (*krick krick krick* got such word meh) ok anyhoos. her name is Hana Tajima-Simpson.she's a english + japanese person. her mum's english and her dad's a japanese dude.

the reason i love her is because DUDE, SHE HAS THE SAME TASTE AS ME. CEHHHH HAIK TUI.
but seriously i am digging like gold digger about her style.
but whatever it is. i WILL WEAR TUDUNG LIKE HER STYLE ONE DAY. I WILL. hehe. so semangatt.

cool kan?karen... i wish i can be as gorgeous as her. :)
owh, hanaaaa.. you are just so gorgeous. find more about her in her website.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

raya terakhir saya di malaysia.

walaupun tak kompem fly lagi, still nak tulis title yang berbaur konpem2 fly. biar. baru semangat sikit nak study. hahahaha. sengal.

well, maybe i've been too sarcastic about my raya this year. oh, well, i should. come to think about it, my kampung was no longer exist (the house have been roboh by my auntie to built a fine nicer house of theirs), my grandma was no longer live ( she died when i was in form 5) and plus, plus, plus, exam is around the corner. which part of the exam that make me concern is most is bio paper 4 and maths paper 3 is on the same day. can u believe that..? my 2 most killer subject is on the same day. on the same day!
yeah. i still think i should kill mr cambridge.

honestly speaking, i think i was wrong. well, maybe this raya wasn't that bad after all. my baju raya this year is a simple white cotton baju kurung with pink and dark blue flower pattern on it. i like it anyway. and i wear it with a dark blue shawl i brought on jalan TAR in KL which cost only rm5. owh, owh, went i passed by this one shop selling very nice jubah, me and my family stop for a while to have a look inside the shop. i want to ask the shopkeeper for an assistance so my father called the shopkeeper. "kak, berapa jubah ni kak?" it's a usual to address a lady older than u as kak. as the shopkeeper turn around, OMG! i can feel the will smith's song playing inside my head, the shopkeeper is actually a guy! a bangla guy to be obvious and he is wearing a black jubah with a shawl and make everyone thought that he is a lady~! even my father was shocked and everyone turned out burst of laughter.

unlike my brother and sister, i don't much effort of collecting duit raya. my brothers all together with my cousin tour to the whole kampung, into any strangers house for the duit raya. haha, i just need to go to some specific relative house and begging with this line " ni raya terakhir saya kat malaysia. bagi lah double." so, most 80% are touched by my words. hahahaha.. then, me and my lil sister went for some outing in our second day of raya. at first, i thought of going to A'Farmosa only but turn out to walk until Jonker Street. A'Farmosa is errm.. ok but freaking hot! no wonder why a lot of people selling fans by the side of the builing. me and my sister were walking like a nyonya with us kipas ourself. haha. except we dont wear the kebaya plus sunglasses. then, we will look exactly like one. then, the best part of this, JONKER STREET!! i spend most of my duit raya there! OMG! i buy a lot of souvenir to my fellow friends in college,yeah, since i've demand present from them. so, as to be polite, i'll buy them some as well. and i've buy a lot to myself too! and i cant stop buying there. shuut. owh, owh, and there accident here as well. i'm buying these one kind of chopstick where they sell according to chinese surname and zodiac. so i thought i can buy some to my chinese friends in college. so, i ask this one chinese guy to help me out. first i ask for lui (as for jin xiang), he took almost 10 minutes looking for lui and keep asking me if is lui or liu. cis. then, i ask for lian (victor). he then looked confused and search for another 10 minutes and end up find nothing. next, i ask for kiu. not there as well. i ask for hii. the guy then turn at me and said, why ur chinese friend's surname so weird one? owh, i thought all chinese surname so common..?

owh, owh, lots of my relatives are saying that my body have loss quite a mass. hahaha~!! i am indeed very happy. not much effort actually, me myself dont even realize it. hehe.. *still proud of it*

today is the third day of raya. no specific plan for tomorrow but still looking foward to it. honestly speaking, i start to miss college already. but i still love raya! and jonker walk as well! can't wait to be back to college. giving all the souvenir i brought there (hope they like it! *^^* ) and continuing the spirit of raya in the college!!!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

sedikit sebanyak ramadhan tahun ini

alhamdulillah da sampai seminggu terakhir pun ramadhan. wah. time flies so fast! not even realizing it.

baru cuti beberapa hari, dah rasa macam nak balik kolej. teruk betul. ramadhan-yang mungkin-terakhir-di-malaysia alhamdulillah sangat best tahun ini. million thanks kepada enchik foo ru ren (si galah panjang yang funny gila tak ingat plus hebat berbahasa kelantan) enchik john hii ( si pembuli no1) , enchik gavin (boss besar) enchik ah wei (dia da 1 pack yang large volume capacity) john kiu, aarun, mark, rena (penghuni setia tanjung rambutan), afiq tan (pervert no 1 KTT) and crazy fellow housemate and classmate cuz menceriakan ramadhan saya di sini. :)

flash back balik ramadhan KTT tahun ini, lots of masak-masak, share food with neighbors and closed friends, play badminton almost every evening (and yes i am still fasting that moment), going buka puasa outside with my non-muslim friends here, tarawikh with my housemate and enjoying every moment with them.

i guess i'm gonna miss this a lot if i fly next year to india. :)

Monday, August 30, 2010

makna merdeka bagi saya.

kebebasan..? ahh, boring. ayat sama berulang-kali.
merdeka means deeper. in malaysian way, i can summarise my merdeka meaning by this situation.

1. sit in mamak stall while watching Thomas cup and supporting Malaysia! sitting with all other races in one table and regardless of what races, we sit shout to our limit and give our very best support to Malaysia against China. owh! not to forget, on that day, tomorrow is our AS exam.

2. i saw my college's janitor (consist of malay and indians) sharing their lunch box together. how sweet! i mean, you can share your food with others without hesitated. put our trust on them because you know they understand your sensitivity on food.

3. puasa sama-sama with all your non-malay friends. and breakfast together. sometimes, they don't fast, but they try their very best to not let you see them eating neither talk about food to respect you.

4. a friend of different religion come to our Karnival Kesenian Islam in our college. they come to our exhibition and gives support to their friend who are entering competition during this carnival regardless of our religion barrier.

where you can have this situation...? only here in KTT :)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

saya mungkin rindukan ramadhan di hostel tetapi ramadhan di KTT terlalu indah untuk dilupakan. :)

di hostel:

pergi ke bazaar seminggu sekali bersama kawan-kawan, berhimpit-himpit dalam bas, mengintai-ngintai lauk berbuka ; kalau sedap, ok la. kalau x sedap, maka, bazaar ramadhan la jawabnya. menonton drama indon di tv9 sementara menunggu waktu berbuka. bersahur pukul 3 pagi or 4 pagi. tidur hampir sepanjang hari pada weekend. hampir setiap minggu balik sebab nak berbuka di rumah. :P pergi ke bazaar dan sengaja singgah di rumah shalina sebab boleh makan best di rumah dia with her sporting parents and her auntie's mouth-pouring cookings! yum! yum! melawak dengan budak lelaki tentang status budak-budak perempuan yang tidak berpuasa.. hahaha

di kolej:

masak.masak. dan masak. hehs. cook almost everyday here. hari ni makan di rumah sendiri, besok kat rumah classmate, besok lagi di restoran.. hehe.. buka puasa dengan rakan2 non-malay yang sedaya upaya nak puasa. bawak mereka ke bazaar ramadhan. masak macam-macam benda baru nih (e.a: caramel pudding, sushi, etc) *perut berbunyi-bunyi* and still looking foward for another exciting activities in ramadhan. :)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

AS results are out!

AS results are out, kindda happy. i'm not hoping too far, but getting 3A's and a B was wayy to big for me already. Thanks Allah.

i see some people cry ; cry for happiness and even cry of frustation, i saw some people even smiling one whole day, and i saw a lot of other undefinable emotion here today. but what ever results you get, just be grateful. of course everyone is expecting a straight A's result. but, if ur not getting one, dun frust too much. it's just an AS. not even A2 yet. lots of things can happen. miracle is not imposibble. just study hard. if you fail, at least you've try your best.

for me, 20, 19, 18 is just a number. the borders is just between passing the cut-off point or not. getting a 18 dun make u a worse doctor than the 20 one. is still too early to tell. either getting a 18, 19 or any other points, just be grateful. bila kerja nanti, kita sama-sama kene maki dengan bos, gaji sama.. nothing differentiate straight A's and none-straight A's. just dont let this thing ruin your focus in your A2. i've heard a lots of 20's didnt make it to KI. maybe they take A2 too lightly as they think they can constant the result till A2.

ok peeps. chill. A2 is still waiting. but u guys are gorgeous. i'm optimist that we can keep this glory till A2. hope to see all and every one in our batch for KI! let's work hard together!!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

since when i started to post so serious..?

i went to tuition. so what? just because you are so kedekut to spend some of your money to attend the tuition, don't make fun of others who actually trying their best to succeed well in their A-level. idk how this people think. yeah, i can accept that if you are brilliant enuf to study only with lecturers only that you don't need these tuition stuff. but, there's a few stupid bunch of annoying asshole, sudah lah ajak pergi tuition tak mau, ejek-ejek orang lain lagi. i'm resistant to these LOSERS already. say whatever you want. i'm the one who succeed. not you. who cares?

there's also a bunch of people who still 'berkira' with their own money. yeah. i admit. rm30 (overall payment plus transportation) is quite a money. but its for our own benefit. i'm not even from a rich girl. my only money is the JPA scholars money and I NEVER ASK MY PARENTS ANY SINGLE CENT. NEVER. i have to 'catu' all my money. limited my expenses especially on food.imagine, i withdraw only rm50 every week. rm30 for the tuition things and the rest for food. rm20 per week. well, that's not included some expenses for other purpose like, class party, buying past years papers, went out shopping, oh, not forgetting, the Raya is coming, of course have to consider my Baju Raya. i have to carefully spend my money and reduce my shopping expenses. it's hard but worth of trying. why cant you did the same?and plis stop claiming that i'm 'anak orang kaya',oke. i hate it.

and still, there got a few who have interest of going tuition, but refuse by lame excuses like 'tak ada geng'. and i even can tell that they don't want to go as they afraid that their friends will make fun of them. OMG! who are going to succeed? you or the rest of your geng? if, for an example, they all went to india, and you didnt made it, do you still think they will even beg the JPA for you? or.. they will refuse the offer because they want to be together with you?and will they actually did that?dream on la! no!

“Truly, God does not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.” (Quran 13:11)

Sunday, July 4, 2010

juniors. college. 1malaysia

hye peeps. haven't blog for years. so, i'm pouring everything out here!!

last week we receive juniors. oke. come on. i've never been so excited about junior before. well, back in school days, juniors are freakingly annoying. i never like juniors. at first i thought it goes the same here in KTT, but wallaweyy......!!!! THEY ARE AWESOME!! we are group 2 which called ourselves GAGA-Go And Get Awesome. haha! i know its cool! we suppose to be performing choir. it quite though actually to win wit choir only. but with all crazy brains here- ricky, me, amy, eric dan some other seniors who are willing to help us... our choir all went crazy!! we really enjoy ourselves then. it really fun to see some of the juniors change a lot. i mean A LOT! from skema typical type into some sort of crazy and funny creature just like the seniors. hahahaha...! even the juniors praise us for being a very good seniors to them! *i was dancing over the moon when i heard this* hee~!!! overall, the choir is a xplosive and the juniors are awesome! love them. muax! muax!
since the very first day, we always remind the juniors to mix wif each other. dun be sarcastic to other races. it's fun to mix up actually. well, learning other culture and be friend with a whole new circle of friends is fun! why, dat's is what i think. to be honest, i never befriend with any other races except malay before. the only time i know non-malay friends is in primary school. i think the chinese girl in my class are arrogant. haha.. my non-malay only a few chinese and indians that really from beginning living with malay and getting used of mixing with malays. thats it. but now in college, since i've got JPA scholars, mixing with other races is a must,must here! well, i'm kindda scared at first. but they are nice actually. far from what i thought before. like example, they help me learn a few mandarin words. hehe.. i'm still learning. but my chinese friends help me a lot. then, i've start to play badminton. to be honest, i never played badminton before. even in secondary school. i think that i look stupid playing it. but now, i'm not bluffing but i'm pretty good at it. hehs! and, and it have been my all-new favorite sports. haha.. dun ask me why. i just simply like it. its other than captainball that make happy living here in college. my college is luckily superb! all you need is to come down as early as possible, bring a racket *if you have one* and just simply play without worrying who is playing on the court regardless if they are malays, chinese ar even indians! its so fun men!

and, and,you can come join CCES (chinese cultural and education society) activities even you're obviously not a chinese. *i'm a long-distance cina-peranakan mix..i wonder if i can join CCES.hahahaha~*

it cool to promote your culture to other non-malay friends. and i've learn a few chinese wedding custom when victor chat about it during our i-elts lecturer's wedding. cant wait for victor to get married. at least i can attend my very first chinese wedding ceremony. ahaks! *maka,victor, silalah kahwin segera,oke.*

the best 1-malaysia game in our college!!! oyeah! a few bunch of crazy seniors playing happily in the very 'gersang' field of KTT. this is the time that we feel very united in our hearts. i think we should establish a 'KTT CAPTAINBALL CLUB' and hold a league here. woahh~ it sure b very fun meh!

college life can be tedious and boring. doing the whole same thing over, over and over again. but these are a bunch of people who cheer me up and enlighten my bland day here in KTT.
tengs everyone!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

sebab musabab kita suka bola sepak

Aku cakap terus-terang, aku satu kem dengan abang Sepp Blatter yang menentang penggunaan teknologi dalam bolasepak.

Alasan aku sama juga dengan Sepp Blatter. Macam Blatter cakap, "society is not perfect, football is not perfect, it must retain its human face."

Ramai dari kita mungkin tak sedar, tapi kita suk bolasepak kerana ianya tak sempurna. Kita suka kerana ia penuh penipuan, penuh drama, sandiwara, keputusan kontoversi, keputusan meragukan dan macam-macam lagi. Bukan sekadar sebab ianya menyajikan permainan yang menarik.

Apalah bolasepak jika kita tidak boleh hentak gelas dan tumbuk meja di kedai mamak kerana marahkan pemain atau pengadil? Apalah bolasepak jika kita tidak dapat memaki hamun pemain dan pengadil? Apalah bolasepak kalau semasa, selepas dan sebulan kemudian selepas tamat perlawanan kita tidak boleh berbincang dan berdebat dengan kawan-kawan pasal perlawanan yang penuh kontroversi?

Itu sebab kita suka bolasepak. Itu sebab bolasepak sukan nombor satu dunia. Sebab ia cermin kepada kehidupan seharian kita yang juga penuh kontroversi.

Piala Dunia 2010 tidak akan menjadi sesuatu yang menarik jika tidak kerana insiden-insiden kontroversi. Macam Mauel Neuer yang berlakon dengan baik untuk mengeluarkan bola dari gawang hasil tendangan Frank Lampard. Atau Abdelkader Keita yang berpura-pura cedera teruk sehingga Kaka dilayangkan kad merah. Atau pagi tadi bila Luis Suarez bermain 'bola tampar' untuk menyelamatkan Uruguay dari kalah kepada Ghana.

Semua itu cerminan kehidupan seharian kita. Apa yang Neuer buat sama seperti yang kita lakukan bila hendak menyelamatkan diri sendiri, sekalipun sampai menipu. Siapa yang tak pernah tipu untuk selamatkan diri sendiri? Suarez berkorban untuk rakan-rakan, sekalipun apa yang dibuatnya salah dari segi etika dan undang-undang. Kita juga bila terdesak akan buat benda yang sama.

Bolasepak tidak sempurna dan itulah sebab kita suka bolasepak. Bayangkan kalau teknologi ulang tayang hendak digunakan, perlawanan Jerman dan England akan terhenti 10 saat sementara rakaman video dikaji semula. Kita yang duduk di stadium, kedai mamak atau atas sofa di rumah pula hanya terdiam menunggu keputusan kajian video. Langsung tidak ada peluang hentak meja atau maki hamun pengadil.

Sebab itulah bolasepak harus dan sentiasa kekal sebagai 'the simplest game'. Sukan yang undang-undangnya paling mudah dan semuanya diputuskan oleh seorang pengadil atas padang, tak kiralah si pengadil itu bijak atau bebal.

Kerana kalau hendak guna teknologi atau undang-undang yang lebih ketat, kita tidak akan ada Neuer, Keita atau Suarez dalam Piala Dunia ini dan bolasepak akan jadi membosankan macam kriket yang suka guna rakaman video atau bolasepak Amerika yang undang-undangnya pecah kepala kita nak faham.

Malahan abang Subkhiddin kita pun tak setuju guna teknologi dalam bolasepak.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

menanti di barzakh

ajal yang datang di depan pintu bukan kita boleh jangka. bukan boleh elak. bukan boleh tangguh. kematian itu adalah sesuatu yang pasti. yang tak mungkin kita boleh lari dari nya. i was talking to others but to remind myself as well. at first, i mean before the death of my friend, i live life like there's no end in it. like i was going to died 60 years ahead. ignoring everything, just do what what you feel good for yourself, kalau berdosa, nanti2 la bertaubat. yeah. thats what i think. not just me, i think most of us did.

but after my friends death, i start valued life. by mean of religious side. i lost almost all desire of life. e.g: before this i want i-pad la, then i want sony aino, bla bla bla... now, i feel like all this thing does not even benefit me at all. bukan boleh bawak masuk kubur pun. kalau mati, bukan malaikat tanya handphone apa yang kita pakai, kan?

what concerned me much is my preparation facing death. do i really prepared. i trying to be "nice". i mean nicer in muslim way but still without hurting others. i try to talk nice, stop talking bad about people, stop scolding people. there's a few thing i can't really change. i can change it but it would drag people's attention. and people would start asking. that sound not nice to me. just be nice and try to pleased everyone lah kan?

there a few people i want to say here. not really want to marah you but just want to give some advise. maybe u guys are not aware of this death thing because korang xrasa sendiri lagi kan? i mean no one close to you have died of sudden. so, maybe u guys can feel relaxed about it. well, let me tell you one thing. deaths can occur anytime, anywhere. you would never know how long are you gonna live in this world. if u guys are doing something sinful, better stop. benda yang kita boleh berhentikan sendiri, baik kita stop je. contohnya, tengah berdating. tiba-tiba ajal tiba. mati ketika tangah melakukan dosa. astaga~. minta jauh. dosa yang boleh elak buat, better we not even doing it at all. kalau dosa yang tanpa kita sedari, contoh mengumpat (sebenarnya sedar.. tapi kadang2 kan..), TERcakap kasar... korang fikirlah sendiri. ape guna TUHAN beri akal kalau bukan untuk berfikir. renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

belasungkawa : afiq nordin arshad (14 march 1991- 18 jun 2010)

Firman Allah Swt :

Tiap-tiap yang berjiwa akan merasakan mati. Kemudian hanyalah kepada Kami kamu dikembalikan. (AL'ANKABUUT 57).

afiq nordin arshard. we've known each other for years. went through our five hppy years at SBPIT and of course we had a nice years back then because of you! even we've become classmate just for a years, we always been so close as we're both the KL clan, remember? we always fought with each other in form 3. but i did enjoys every moment with you.

after SPM, we've never seen other, i never expect that i will see you in such way. you always comment at my wall in fb. never forget to tag me whenever you have some interesting pics in your fb. you always send me question in my formspring. and i know from your sister that you always talk about me to your lil sis. you have always been a good friends to me.

kalau aku boleh putar masa, aku akan dengar setiap jenakamu dan ketawa bersama denganmu, melayan setiap keletahmu, mendengar semua gossip mu, bergembira di ats setiap kejayaanmu, meng'comment' setiap tag2 mu, menjwab semua soalan formspring mu... kemudian, aku tersedar.. masa itu x boleh diputar kembali. kau tetap jua. doaku akan sentiasa mengiringi mu.

losing you have been a great loss to everyone who knows you.

and everyone who are still grieving on his death, remember this
Allah s.w.t. tidak membebani seseorang melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya. Ia mendapat pahala dari kebajikan yang diusahakannya dan mendapat siksa dari kejahatan yang dikerjakannya. Mereka berdoa "Ya Tuhan kami, jangan Engkau bebankan orang-orang yang sebelum kami. Ya Tuhan kami janganlah Engkau pikulkan kepada kami apa yang tidak sanggup kami memikulnya. Maafkanlah kami, ampunilah kami; dan rahmatilah kami, Engkaulah penolong kami, tolonglah kami atas orang-orang kafir." (surah al-baqarah)

same2 la kita sedekahkan al-fatihah kepada arwah

Pertemuan Kita Di Suatu Hari
Menitiskan Ukhwah Yang Sejati
Bersyukurku Ke Hadrat Ilahi Di Atas Jalinan Yang Suci

Namun Kini Perpisahan Yang Terjadi
Dugaan Yang Menimpa Diri
Bersabarlah Di Atas Suratan
Kau Tetap Pergi Jua

Kan Ku Utuskan Salam Ingatanku
Dalam Doa Kudusku Sepanjang Waktu
Ya Allah Bantulah Hamba Mu

Mencari Hidayah Daripada Mu
Dalam Mendidikkan Kesabaranku
Ya Allah Tabahkan Hati Hamba Mu
Di Atas Perpisahan Ini

"Teman Betapa Pilunya Hati Menghadapi Perpisahan Ini.
Pahit Manis Perjuangan Telah Kita Rasa Bersama. Semoga
Allah Meredhai Persahabatan Dan Perpisahan Ini. Teruskan

Senyuman Yang Tersirat Di Bibirmu
Menjadi Ingatanku Setiap Waktu
Tanda Kemesraan Bersimpul Padu
kan Kenangmu Di Dalam Doaku

Semoga Tuhan Berkatimu

for more info, klik here and here