Saturday, February 20, 2010

live like animals!!! ^.^*

oke amy. dun be pissed off cuz i'm using your blog name here. saya telah meng"famous"kan blog anda. u should belanja me for that.

i dun know since when i start liking all this cute creature! arghh~!! very cute! maybe starting when i'm living wif my senior for one sem. they have one pair of hamster. Chubby and Chibi. *aww~! i still can remember their name* then, Chibi gives birth at the first day of Ramadhan *i remember this one also!* to three cute hamster. then, a month later, she gives birth to 9 lil hamster *wow!* but only 5 survive. then, i take one of those baby hamster and keep it as pet. i named it sanji as me and kak fiza *my luvly senior* so00o obsessed with one-piece anime that time and the hamster have blonde fur that remind us one of the character. later then, sanji commited suicide *that's the term cinok love to use* by jumping out from my balcony. i was sooo sad dat day. i can remember how i was freaking out when sanji suddenly lost from my sight. i cried almost 3 days blogger-emoticon.blogspot.comand fought wif so many people *cinok, shaena, ...* due to this accident. hahahaha.. when i thought back, it's kindda bit funny. hahahahaha~ blogger-emoticon.blogspot.comlater, i brought new hamster at sunway pyramid. a roborovski. its sooo cute. and sooo gemok now! see la this pic. cute rite? its name HAMSTER D LUFFY. hahahaha. one piece again.
these days, i wonder around at pet shop. hahahaha.... now i become one of the regular visitor of pet shop around sunway area. even, there's one abang at the pet lover centre @ sunway pyramid recognise me and ask for my number if any new stock of chewing bark for my hamster or any new hamster arrived there then he can contact me. hehe..

recently, i found this rabbit at one of the pet shop near to my house. see!

auuwwwww~!!! so cute lah!!!! i can't resist la! i want to bela dis rabbit also!! aiyorh!!

my mom start membebel like this, " hamster la. nak rabbit la. lepas ni? iguana pulak ke? tu tikus,lipas kat rumah xnak pulak bela! berlambak ada!"

Friday, February 19, 2010

tergempar! tergempar! ini penyakit baru yang sedang melanda warga KTT!! hope everyone is alert about this newly-found disease..

name of disease : blur disease
pathogen:EZZA EZANY (all8)
method of transmission : air-borne
global distribution: simply EVERYWHERE around KTT~
incubation period : one week and can be permanent is not treated quickly
site of action of pathogen : brain
clinical features: short term memory loss, hearing problem, BLUR face (disfigured),
method of diagnosis: easily detect by facial xpression
annual incidence for mid sem :all8 students
annual mortality: not yet

saya cadangkan, semua pelajar KTT mengambil langkah menjauh diri daripada student yang telah berjangkit dngan penyakit blur ini. penemuan terawal mendapati, pelajar all8 adalah yang paling teruk terjejas kerana blur disease ini.
antara yang telah affected:

-saya sendiri (sebab saya paling dekat dgn pathogen disease ini)
-er... ada lg yang terlepas ke?

vaccine blum lagi ditemui untuk penyakit ini. bak kata pepatah, mencegah lebih baik dari merawat. so, jauhkan diri anda dari pathogen disease ini. (tp kalau die offer belanja, itu dikecualikan) .

jauhi diri anda dari blur disease. sayangi dirimu. kerana dirimu begitu berharga!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

enchik SBPIT!!!! sumpah saya rindu kamu!

when i said i missed school, i actually really missed it. but not actually the school but my friends, the enviroment... hurm.. oke. this start making me sad already. owh~ how i wish i can turn back to those happy times!!!

recently, i heard from the my junior that my school are going to be the host for HKSBP (hari kecemerlangan sekolah berasrama penuh) for east zone!! its something i was very proud of. well, for some people, (like cinok example) ur school is big, sooo well-known and OLD. (please emphasize old.) so, being a host for HKSBP is no big deal for u guys. but my school is new, not-well known and small (compared to other SBP as ur building is not a standard one), this thing is a BIGGGG thing for us. i am very proud of my school. so far i heard, it starts on 10th march. so, i've planned to stay at school for 5 days. ( maybe have to skipped class. hahahaha... please keep it as a secret.) oke. i wanna help around. watch basketball game. and of course giving support to my school! i wanna watch my fav team at east zone which is sains dungun (for guys team) and sesma ( girls team). and curse the team dat i hate (oke. not wanna mention any names.) hahahahha~

back to those times when i went to HKSBP, usually i 'cuci mata' watching handsome basketballers from other school and silently regreting why those handsome guys not from my school. hahahaha~ my fav part of most, i like to go sightseeing and shopping to the place where we visited, like dungun,KB,kuantan. it's very nice feeling travel to those place! that's why we prefer being loser team cuz we wanna have more time berjalan-jalan than worrying about games. hahahahaha!!!! then, we like to compared things from the school we stayed to our school. hahahaha. it's funny tho. from food, lockers,dorms, the school. hahahaha.. like an example, when we stayed at sbpi batu rakit, we said something like "cantiknya dorm die!" or " kecik nyerr ayam skolah dia. kalau kita kita, mesti bonda dah tengking nih" bla..bla..bla.. hahahahaha... and then, we like to hangout to those stall opened at the school. tested the food sold there... we love coconut shake at sbpi batu rakit!

i heard dat my school are having a though time now as the principal is nowhere to be. oke. the previous principal, our beloved BONDA already transferred to SBPI gombak. she moves out right after my batch moved out as well. then i heard there's a new principal from SEMSTA,raub. he's doing his job well here,i heard also. but then he move to SASER and leaves my school wif no principal. and i concern also about the my basketball team (used to be). i heard dat they have no coach right now. how i miss my coach patrick sooo much! we have splendid time wif him! i wonder the team's performance right now... hurm..

hopefully my school will be a good host dis year and leave a memorable HKSBP!!


my longest post is alllllllllllllllllllll about my school. gila.

owh!! betapa tidak HOT nyer saya!

adik saya bagitahu, hot perempuan terletak pada 3 perkara
  • berkulit cerah
  • tinggi
  • kurus
wahh!!!! cume point num 2 je yg kene!!! oh! sob.. sob... sedih sungguh. pastu adik saya cakap lagi, a few extra points la untuk mencapai tahap HOT itu. which is :
  • kaya. nope.
  • pandai. maybe.
  • sopan santun .sungguh tidak.
ini menandakan saya bukanlah seorang perempuan yang boleh dilabel HOT. dan saya sangat boring bila keluar date. jadi, kesimpulannya, saya bukanlah perempuan yang best untuk dibuat menantu.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

nader si lobster

ada orang kata, saya macam lobster
hahahaha... macam kelakar pulak.
saya terbayangkan enchik crab dalam cerita spongebob tuh... hahahaha~
saya tak kedekut,oke?
hurm.. on deep thinking, maybe i'm bit like a lobster
physically, saya nampak sangat ganas
saya suke buli orang
kadang-kadang saya agak la brutal
lawak saya agak la kasar
saya suke bergaul dengan lelaki. i mean, a lot.
i love jeans instead of skirts
i prefer arsenal jersey than cardigans
i hangout wif my bro more than wif my sis
*kadang-kadang, saya main rugby dengan dia lagi! hahahaha~*
i prefer good charlotte and linkin park more than taylor swift like most girls did (no offense yea.. aku tau, najwa mesti pissed off dengan statement ni)
i seriously hate heels

but deep inside.. i think there is some soft part of it
oke. ni part serious.
i love cooking and i think i'm pretty good at it.. hehe..
i admire korean actor sumetimes (no 1 ranking is still enchik jae hee)
i cried sumetimes ( sometimes oke. not always) when i watch any sad part of movie
i'm kindda bit emo xspecially during 'certain period'
i simply love kids and animals xspecially hamster (cute kan saya?)
hurmm... can't figured out of any softness inside me more than dat. aish~

but the main point is, i may look rough but
there a sofness inside me.
maybe u have to dive deeper if u want to see it
yeah. i'm a lobster
u never know how good the lobster is unless u've never try them
and the harder the lobster, the sweetier the inside (makin keras lobster tuh, makin manis isi nya... btol ke ni? ni mak saya yang cakap...)
u think, if i behave more rough
do i look more sweet inside?
*leaving dat question to u*

Friday, February 12, 2010


korang percaya dengan hukum karma?
"what goes around comes around"
hard to believe, but yes. i do believe in karma.
i believe when you did something bad, u'll get something bad in return.
it did happen in my life
i shall never forget dat
till now, i still afraid of treating people badly


being who i am today gives me a a clear lesson
who is actually a friend
who is not
who treated you badly
who is not
are those sincere to you
or not

i'm not putting grudge
but remember
what goes around comes around
today is ur day
tomorrow may be mine
life is a wheel
sometimes we may be at the top
sometimes at the bottom
.bear dat in mind.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

when i speak about guys

1. saya rase, mostly lelaki adalah not-so clean.. betulkah?
2. lelaki metroseksual (terlalu menjaga penampilan) sangat lah tidak cool pada saya. exspecially kalau they do facial etc.. oke. dun get me wrong oke? being smart n clean is differs than being metrosexsual. being clean is good. metrosexual is not good.
3. lelaki wajib bersifat berani!
4. lelaki yang ada urat timbul kat tangan sangat hehe.. ini adalah pendapat peribadi. no offense.
5. lelaki berkulit putih melepak mendatangkan persepsi pada saya bahawa mereka ini tidak bersukan. once again. no
6. saya rasa lelaki mestilah confess perasaan mereka dulu ( wat i try to say is, lelaki mestilah buka langkah dahulu dalam menjalinkan hubungan)
7. enchik, kalau kau tu x hensem, x seberapa la nak pandai.. sekurang-kurangnya, tolonglah jaga perangai kau tuh! at least you hav sumething good in you!
8. i love guys who love animals and kids
9. lelaki perlu ada sekurang-kurangnya 2 pax.. yakah?
10. anak bongsu (lelaki la) easily share about their feelings with others guy
11. guy usually may appear short but actually they are tall if compared to girls
12. guys (xspecially malay) who wear shorts (xspecially if u not wearing black tights inside) during sport are so not cool eventhough u have well-built muscle at ur legs
13. lelaki selalunya x sensitif dengan perasaan perempuan
14. lelaki sangat simple manakala perempuan sangat complex
15. saya selalu nak tahu, selalunya lelaki pakai shampoo ape? sunsilk kah? atau kamu xshampoo rambut?

Monday, February 8, 2010

19 dan KTT

it 6th feb. KTT day. and explorace.
it's really fun and yet tiring tho..
oke. bila aku cakap penat, bukan bermaksud i'm just not fit enuf k! it totally tiring!
6 hours of running hiperbola sket.) non-stop.
wargh~!! causing enuf aches to ma whole body n leg.
but dat's not the point cuz at least we all having fun!! yuhuuu~

me, eza, casto n cinok all together make a good team.. hehe..
casto, credits to u cuz pecahkan telur ketika DUDUK beristirehat sedang aku,cinok ngan eza are fighting at the battlefield (oke. hiperbola lagi.)
ko memang LOSER!!!
cinok. ko sangat bangang. seyes la bgtau. lagi2, tyme kite pintas group khairul tuh, pastu ko tunjuk sign LOSER kat dieorang. bajek pintas jauh sgt. hahahaha~ depan tu je.. bodoh gila.
korang dua da la dtg paling lewat!! oke. PaLING LEWAT (ni bukan lagi hiperbola)
eza. hahahaha~ aku kesian tengok ko dibuli sepanjang jalan. tapi, apakan daya. seronok kot! hahahaha~!!!
worst part, aku jatuh kat padang mule2.. adoi~!!! sakit pinggang aku. kaki aku pun ade lebam sket. bapak segan jatuh sliding macam
xpe. we've made a good team dat day!! tengs tau cuz making dat day the best! korang mmg kewl!

credits to MPP!!! yey!! thumbs up!! korang mmg best la!
oke. walaupun aku dapat tupperware je. xpe. janji seronok kan?


7hb feb.
oke. aku dah tua.
19. xde lah tua sgt pun kan?
oke,tua lah dr 18..
nothing much dis day.. just another boredom duduk di rumah je..
watching korean drama
hahaha... burfday yang boring. klaka kan?
badan aku sakit oke? xkan nak kuar celebrate?
neway, thanx to everyone yang ada wish!! hehe... sayang
shaena, ko la first skalik yg wish dis year. oke. setengah jam awal kot!
thanx kepada sume la! nak list takut x cukup page.
xtra credits to kiko n shaena.. dieorg buat special entry untuk
terharu kan? hoho.. tgk la ni
kiko and shaena
tengs!!! tengs!!! sayang korang!! muah! muah!

tengs to bibi n din for the teddy tabung! i really want it for so long!!! hahahaha~
a'an for da hamster (wee~ xsabar nak tunggu hamster)
hausmate.. for the carrot.
and nisa for the senduk... hahaha~ ko ni mmg klaka.
neway tengs everyone!!

blogger-emoticon.blogspot.comblogger-emoticon.blogspot.comblogger-emoticon.blogspot.comhepy besday saya!!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

dari perempuan ke perempuan

sebab ape kau bace entry ni? sebab kau mesti.. sebab kau pun seorang perempuan.

kau ada maruah dan harga diri. kau kene jaga tu semua. sebab maruah keluarga dan mak ayah kau pun tertampung pada bahu kau. kau jangan lah melakukan perkara yang memalukan diri kau dan diri mak ayah kau..oke?

kan aku dah cakap tadi. kau ni perempuan. macam mana pun kau cuba nafikan nya, kau tetap la seorang perempuan. walaupun kau ber-jeans dan tidak ber skirt seperti yang lain, kau tetap lah seorang perempuan. kau sangat lembut. hati kau macam kaca. keras, tapi mudah pecah. kadang-kadang, adalah lebih baik kau zahirkan perasaan kau tuh. biar orang faham dan kenal kau.

kau x perlukan lelaki untuk buat kau rasa cool dan hebat. u are great on ur own. kau boleh berkawan dengan beribu-ribu kawan lelaki, tapi kau kene ada at least seorang kawan perempuan juga di sisi. kawan perempuan yang kau boleh kongsi segala nya kepada mereka. mereka akan lebih bermakna padamu lebih dari kawan lelaki mu. percayalah.

kau yang bernama perempuan. kau dibuat daripada tulang rusuk kiri lelaki. yang terdekat dengan hati. tapi kau bengkok dan x boleh diluruskan. kalau diluruskan juga, kau patah. tapi, bengkok kau bukan bermaksud kau lemah. tapi kau bersifat pelindung. tulang rusuk bengkok kerana melindungi hati, jantung dan organ-organ penting badan. begitu juga la kau.

hargai diri kau. sayangi lah diri kau. sebab dirimu begitu berharga!!