Thursday, June 17, 2010

have you shown ur love?

Unlike Karim Benzema which does not show his religious side on the field, this is not the case for Samir Nasri who does not care what people will say it.
At the beginning of each game, Nasri has isolated few seconds for raise his both hands to heaven, to recite the Fatiha.

i dont know if i have the right to say this. but we never shown our love to ALLAH like this much. we tends to shout yess! instead of ALHAMDULILLAH if we score goal or we gains something good. we cursed if something bad happen to us. supposely we say INALILLAH or SUBHANALLAH or ASTAGFIRULLAH. we feel shy even to sujud in the middle of people to express our thanks to ALLAH.

look at this people. thousands are watching them. there is no single term of SHY in their heart when it comes to showing their love to ALLAH.

come on peeps! sat awhile and think, how much we thanks ALLAH compared to how much did ALLAH gives His love to you?


  1. salam ziarah nadhirah..

    best entry nih.. leh saya nak shre di faceboook..? minta izin..~

  2. sila. sila. lain kali, share je. xpayah minta izin pun. entry dlm blog ni mmg untuk di share semua.

