Wednesday, June 23, 2010

menanti di barzakh

ajal yang datang di depan pintu bukan kita boleh jangka. bukan boleh elak. bukan boleh tangguh. kematian itu adalah sesuatu yang pasti. yang tak mungkin kita boleh lari dari nya. i was talking to others but to remind myself as well. at first, i mean before the death of my friend, i live life like there's no end in it. like i was going to died 60 years ahead. ignoring everything, just do what what you feel good for yourself, kalau berdosa, nanti2 la bertaubat. yeah. thats what i think. not just me, i think most of us did.

but after my friends death, i start valued life. by mean of religious side. i lost almost all desire of life. e.g: before this i want i-pad la, then i want sony aino, bla bla bla... now, i feel like all this thing does not even benefit me at all. bukan boleh bawak masuk kubur pun. kalau mati, bukan malaikat tanya handphone apa yang kita pakai, kan?

what concerned me much is my preparation facing death. do i really prepared. i trying to be "nice". i mean nicer in muslim way but still without hurting others. i try to talk nice, stop talking bad about people, stop scolding people. there's a few thing i can't really change. i can change it but it would drag people's attention. and people would start asking. that sound not nice to me. just be nice and try to pleased everyone lah kan?

there a few people i want to say here. not really want to marah you but just want to give some advise. maybe u guys are not aware of this death thing because korang xrasa sendiri lagi kan? i mean no one close to you have died of sudden. so, maybe u guys can feel relaxed about it. well, let me tell you one thing. deaths can occur anytime, anywhere. you would never know how long are you gonna live in this world. if u guys are doing something sinful, better stop. benda yang kita boleh berhentikan sendiri, baik kita stop je. contohnya, tengah berdating. tiba-tiba ajal tiba. mati ketika tangah melakukan dosa. astaga~. minta jauh. dosa yang boleh elak buat, better we not even doing it at all. kalau dosa yang tanpa kita sedari, contoh mengumpat (sebenarnya sedar.. tapi kadang2 kan..), TERcakap kasar... korang fikirlah sendiri. ape guna TUHAN beri akal kalau bukan untuk berfikir. renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal.


  1. yeah..but,in order to change,we must make it slowly..because drastic changes don't stick at your heart strongly.. i'll always beside you.. .. changes need to be in smooth way, i mean naturally.. because CHANGES is not as easy as what we can say and spell it. C.h.a.n.g.e.s

  2. mabruk alaik. satu niat yg murni. dgn niat shj kita boleh dpt satu pahala. bila dipraktikkan,betapa banyak nya pahala yg kita dpt kan? mana tau kalau org lain tgk kita berubah dia pun rasa nak berubah jugak..dari situ dah berlipat ganda pahala kita boleh dpt. lgpun,ni lah tugas seorg doktor. selain drpd bg treatment kat patient,alang2 kena amik chance utk berdakwah. apa apa pun masih belum terlambat utk kita bertaubat.. Allah itu Maha Mengetahui isi hati kita. Maha Pengampun =)

