Saturday, September 26, 2009 woman,no cry...?

hanif (space) kate: depend on situations. maybe sedih, marah pown bley jadi gak
amir rahman said: perempuan berjiwa lembut.. mane leh kasar sket..
shalina said: ntah. aku ikut mood.. kdg2 aku pun xphm ade certain time aku senang gle nangis.. bkan sbb aku menstrual.. n ade mase aku jd hati kering..
ayie kate: pompuan mmg ngade2.. sket2 nangis.. sket2 nangis..

i cry cuz i'm too mad (seriously..)
too sad
if i missing sumeone
sume time, during menstruation, i cry for no reason..hahaha
when i was in secondary school, it was ma last day at school
as we going to say goodbye, ma friends r crying like crazy..
and i just didn't drop even one tear...?
i wanna cry
but i don't noe why
i just didn't cry at all
after i reach home..
i lay down at ma bed
i started crying like crazy the whole entire nite
woman cry for many reason
simple reason, exam susah.. kelas cancel last minute.. homesick..
but dat doesn't mean dat they were weak
they just tend to xpress their feeling dat way
i can say dat woman r like glass
they were solid
but fargile
during menstrual, some woman have dis mood swing
they r easy to cry, to get angry
so guys, better be alerted....
sumetime, crying is a weapom
untuk menundukkan lelaki
cuz i heard dat guy is easily melted by woman tears
....btol ke?
i dunno
cuz i never try yet
or never will..?
i never got chance to see a guy cry
xcept dlm movie or drama r...
can anyone tell me why r guys crying?