Saturday, May 15, 2010

as everyone knows, i'm on exam rite now. but i couldn't help myself to wrote about this.

last few weeks, i went to seek for my lecturer (identiti dirahsiakan atas sebab2 keselamatan). what i did is, i ask her a question that i can't answer. well, theoretically, it's quite true that the question are though. it's not really far beyond our syllabus, its just a bit tougher than our normal past year papers. what happen is, she fail to answer it and the most saddening part is the said this to me : " x payah la awak nak susah-susah fikir soalan ni. xkan masuk dalam exam lah. "

well, i did appreciate her effort trying to answer for my question. but, i couldn't accept her words. what are she was thinking? am i study just for the sake of exam?

well, studying is not for exam. i'm studying for my future. exam is just to to check the understanding about certain topic. well, what confirms you from understanding that certain topics or subject is you can applied it on ur daily life. so, in future, you won't be cheated or fooled by someone just because that particular someone is appear to be smarter than you. well,some people, they did well during the exam. but when it comes to real world, they actually kindda stupid also. this what most malay says as 'orang cerdik belajar tapi bodoh hidup'

belajar dengan hati
bukan hanya dengan menghafal huruf-huruf dan formula-formula
tapi untuk mengenali diri kita
mengenali tentang dunia kita
bukan untuk exam
tapi untuk masa depan

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