Sunday, February 14, 2010

nader si lobster

ada orang kata, saya macam lobster
hahahaha... macam kelakar pulak.
saya terbayangkan enchik crab dalam cerita spongebob tuh... hahahaha~
saya tak kedekut,oke?
hurm.. on deep thinking, maybe i'm bit like a lobster
physically, saya nampak sangat ganas
saya suke buli orang
kadang-kadang saya agak la brutal
lawak saya agak la kasar
saya suke bergaul dengan lelaki. i mean, a lot.
i love jeans instead of skirts
i prefer arsenal jersey than cardigans
i hangout wif my bro more than wif my sis
*kadang-kadang, saya main rugby dengan dia lagi! hahahaha~*
i prefer good charlotte and linkin park more than taylor swift like most girls did (no offense yea.. aku tau, najwa mesti pissed off dengan statement ni)
i seriously hate heels

but deep inside.. i think there is some soft part of it
oke. ni part serious.
i love cooking and i think i'm pretty good at it.. hehe..
i admire korean actor sumetimes (no 1 ranking is still enchik jae hee)
i cried sumetimes ( sometimes oke. not always) when i watch any sad part of movie
i'm kindda bit emo xspecially during 'certain period'
i simply love kids and animals xspecially hamster (cute kan saya?)
hurmm... can't figured out of any softness inside me more than dat. aish~

but the main point is, i may look rough but
there a sofness inside me.
maybe u have to dive deeper if u want to see it
yeah. i'm a lobster
u never know how good the lobster is unless u've never try them
and the harder the lobster, the sweetier the inside (makin keras lobster tuh, makin manis isi nya... btol ke ni? ni mak saya yang cakap...)
u think, if i behave more rough
do i look more sweet inside?
*leaving dat question to u*


  1. selama aku kenal kau..
    kau ni hmmm...
    ahaha tak tau pulak..
    nak cakap ganas... tak jugak..
    nak cakap girly... takla jugak..
    kau ni .. ada 2 personality.. hahahah
    itu je aku nak cakap..
    sebenarnya.. kau ni baik.. aku yang jahat tau...

  2. no la amy!!! i'm a bag girl.. u r nice bah.. n funny also!!! totally in lurve wif u! hahahaha~

  3. nader lobster!!!!hahaha.

  4. lobster = mahal gila kat the ship.

