Monday, December 13, 2010

maybe i have to reconsider

i've been working in starbucks for like, what, 1 week and i can say it is super tiring and super stress (sometimes). but what comes in my mind was, this place is busy, there's no room for mistakes and carelessness, well how even worst hospital could be?

at least in starbucks i got a 50 minutes break, i can chat with my partners sometime when it is less busy and also there's no harm on making mistakes. but then, after some deep thinking, this is just starbucks. hospital could be even worst. u may be scolded 10 times more but senior doctors. there no single slit of space for mistakes as you are dealing with lives. and you are busy. i mean, freakingly busy. i may have to manage my own time for sleep, pray and treating patients. well. the major question is,
am i prepared?
physically and mentally.

only Allah knows my main purpose of choosing this field. hope Allah will make things easier for me. :)


  1. sbab tu ar ko kena start time manage awal. start fri uni lgi. join byk event, but same time ko jage mse. hehe

  2. betul. betul. carefree betul skrg ni. dah keje baru rasa susahnya hidup bizi. haishhhhh.

  3. Nader, ko tough kan, so u'll make it through. ;)

